Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mr. Evil... where's his poodle?

More from ST. Imagine those cheeky French, suggesting that GOS solve the Darfur problem first. Everyone knows those rebels will stop at nothing, nothing. Well, they may stop when Nafi no longer has a job. Actually, I think they'd likely stop if SAF just withdrew. But if SAF withdrew, who would protect civilians from the janjawid?

April 26, 2009 (PARIS) — The Sudanese presidential assistant and his delegation has been given a cool reception from the French Communist Party officials during his three day visit to Paris this week.

Nafi Ali Nafi held a series of meetings described as "unsuccessful" with French and British officials in Paris on Darfur conflict, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The presidential assistant suggested to France ways to improve bilateral relations and to work together for the resolution of Darfur crisis as well as to ensure the democratic transition. However Paris said Khartoum should end Darfur conflict and cooperate with ICC first before dialogue on normalizing ties.

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